
Please note that my current main website is and this website is no longer regularly updated, so some of the information here is likely to be out-of-date. Please visit the new website to find out about my therapy and supervision services, courses, events and other offerings.

Services available include:


For further details about different therapies available, click here, and for information about therapy appointments, click here.

If you are unsure how to find a therapist or counsellor who is right for you, I suggest to read this excellent guide on the Good Therapy website, and their helpful list of warning signs of questionable therapist behaviour. (This is a US website so some of the jargon may not be relevant to other countries, but overall principles still apply.)

Some of the issues that can be addressed through therapy include:

If the issue that concerns you is not listed here, please get in touch as I may still be able to help, or could refer you to an appropriate source of help.

Important note: If you are suffering from any physical symptoms, you should make an appointment with a medically qualified doctor prior to or as well as seeking psychological help.