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Identity Healing Training with Andy Hunt
Advanced EFT Training For Working With Identity Beliefs And Conflicts
Identity Healing is a collection of processes using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Neuro Linguistic Processing (NLP) designed easily and effectively dissolve troublesome identity beliefs and resolve identity conflicts.
In ‘standard EFT’ and Matrix Reimprinting the practitioner searches for the events in childhood where these identity beliefs and conflicts were formed to resolve the memories which gave rise to those beliefs and conflicts. Identity Healing takes a different approach, rather than identify the memories and work with them, these techniques work directly with the subpersonalities created during these experiences using a blend of EFT and NLP processes.
These subpersonalities are a constellation of feelings, beliefs and behaviours that were ‘split off’ at times stress in our early lives. These subpersonalities encapsulate our unhelpful responses to those kinds of challenges in our adult lives.
Identity Healing identifies these parts of ourselves, softens their challenging emotional burdens, gives them the resources they need and finally re-integrates them into our adult selves.
Is this training for you?
This is an advanced EFT workshop for practitioners who want to use these techniques to help their clients and for their own self-development. It is not suitable for novice tappers, therefore the minimum entry requirement is an EFT Level 2 certificate.
The course is practical and participative, using demonstrations, discussion and supervised pair practice of the techniques. You may find previous experience of NLP helpful in this training, but it is not a requirement.
Identity Healing Level 1 Practitioner Trainings
Newcastle upon Tyne – 11th and 12th November 2017
Identity Healing Level 2 Advanced Practitioner Trainings
Glossop, High Peak – 30th September and 1st October 2017
This course will provide 12 hours of your CPD requirements.
The main website for Idenity Healing is, and Andy Hunt’s main therapy and training website is
Important: This course is not a substitute for therapy. Although Identity Healing is a powerful way to change the way you think and feel this training is to help you learn the Identity Healing techniques not a substitute for personal therapy or counselling.