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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for Psychotherapists, Counsellors and Psychologists
A 2-day accredited training specially for psychological therapists and other mental health practitioners, incorporating Level 1 certification with AAMET (Association for Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques).
Dates: 2-3 November 2013
Times: 9.30am for 10am start, finish 5.30pm both days
Venue: Mind Matters, Woodend Mill, Manchester Road, Mossley, Lancashire
Trainer: Masha Bennett UKCP Registered Psychotherapist, AAMET Advanced EFT Practitioner and International Trainer
Course fee: £199, early bird fee £159 (a saving of £40) if booked with deposit paid by Friday 27th September.
Deposit: £50 paid via to (please enquire if wishing to pay by BACS or cheque)
Included: Course manual, AAMET Level 1 certification (attendance certificate issued), light refreshments throughout the day and post-course support
Link to booking form:
Link to Terms & Conditions:
Course syllabus:
- Brief History of EFT.
- Proposed mechanisms of efficacy.
- Comparisons with EMDR and other treatments.
- Location of EFT acupressure points.
- EFT Basic Procedure and shortcuts.
- A.B.C. of EFT (Awareness – Balancing – Clearing).
- "Psychological Reversal".
- Troubleshooting.
- EFT for physical tension/aches/pains.

- EFT for specific phobias/anxiety.
- EFT for intense emotion/overwhelm.
- EFT for traumatic memories/PTSD
- EFT for addictive cravings.
- The importance of being specific.
- Identifying aspects.
- "Borrowing Benefits" with EFT.
- How to introduce EFT to clients.
- Therapist's self-care with EFT.
- The Personal Peace Procedure.
- Progression routes.
To enquire or find out more about the course, contact Masha on 07887 617558 or email